The explanatory video with subtitles can be found on the Youtube platform.
Further information on the old-age pension can be found in our leaflets and forms:
Leaflets3.01 - OASI old-age pensions and helplessness allowances3.04 - Flexible retirement3.06 - Pension forecasts
Forms318.370 - Old-age pension application form318.282 - Pension forecast application form318.386 - Cancellation of old-age pension deferral
ESCAL Pension estimate
Do you have questions? Contact your compensation office. Your employer can inform you about where they pay contributions and support you with your query. You can find the addresses of all compensation offices here.
Further information on the flexible withdrawing of the old-age pension can be found in our leaflets and forms:
Leaflets3.04 - Flexible retirement3.01 - OASI old-age pensions and helplessness allowances3.06 - Pension forecasts2.03 - Non-employed contributions to Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance (OASI), Disability Insurance (DI) and Income Compensation Insurance (IC)